The first Green Ammonia demonstrator worldwide, located at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), has been awarded a new grant from EPSRC to continue operations and development to improve the feasibility of ammonia as an energy vector. The proposal "Green Ammonia Demonstrator - a National Net-Zero Project (EP/V008145/1)" was conceived to enable access to new CDT students working on the subject whilst ensuring that all the challenges of ammonia as an energy vector (production, storage, distribution, use, economics and social aspects) are tackled. The RAL demonstrator, developed and integrated by Siemens, STFC, Oxford University and Cardiff University in 2018, will keep playing an important role in innovation for zero-carbon fuels in the UK.

The RAL Demonstrator is one of a milestone in the development of technologies that demonstrate the efficient and safe use of ammonia as energy vector.